Recent News

Orcutt, Laske discuss Mauna Loa with NYTimes

John Orcutt and Gabi Laske, who helped instrument the ocean floor surrounding Mauna Loa in the early 2000s with seismometers, were contacted by the New York Times to share their knowledge regarding the predictability of volcanic activity. Spoiler alert: the article, With Mauna Loa’s Eruption, a Rare Glimpse Into Earth, closes with Orcutt's wry observation “You can’t hold back the magma forever.”

Laske announced as AGU Fellow

IGPP is thrilled for Gabi Laske who has just been announced as a 2022 AGU Fellow!  Congratulations Gabi!!

Green Foundation fellowship applications accepted thru Oct 31


Applications are now being accepted for two-year postdocs ($70K/yr) in research areas at IGPP/Scripps Oceanography/UC San Diego: Deadline 10/31/2022.

PhDs must have been awarded after October 31, 2018 and before March 31, 2023. Visit to apply

Green Foundation-supported OBS in transit to EPR

Check out the recent photo from RV Thompson, which is on its way to 9°50'N East Pacific Rise.  Captured in the picture are four Green Foundation-supported short period ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS), equipped with Nanometrics dataloggers. The equipment will be recovered in the Fall.  We look forward to reviewing the data they gather this trip.

Image credit: Chris Armerding, IGPP

Recent IGPP graduate earns GJI’s Student Author award

Huge congratulations to recent IGPP graduate Kyle Gwirtz who just won GJI’s Student Author award for his paper on Earth’s magnetic field reversals with advisor Matti Morzfeld and colleagues at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.

Parnell-Turner featured in Wavelengths

Scripps Institution of Oceanography's most recent Wavelengths ( features Ross Parnell-Turner.,Gorgeous footage will transport you to the axial volcanic trough as you learn about Ross Parnell's efforts to observe seafloor creation in real-time.

Walter Munk Guyot named

It’s official: Walter Munk will forever be a part of the seascape!